Giving Giving
banner for giving page with offering baskets

How to Give

At Fleetwood CRC, we believe that giving is an important part of the Christian life. It is a response to God's goodness to us and to our love for others. We regularly give to our church and give to ministry work locally and globally. 

Five Ways to Give

1. Give On-line

To give on-line towards any of our various funds, click the button below.


2. Give Using Your Mobile Device

For the most flexibility, use the Church Center App to give towards any of our funds.

Apple App Google Play App

3. During a Worship Service

After each Sunday worship service, we provide an opportunity for people to give towards various funds using cash and cheques. Baskets are located at each of the back doors of the sanctuary.

4. Drop it off during the week 

You can drop off your donation in a marked envelope in the mail slot on the office door when the office is closed or at the office weekdays between 9-4:30.

5. Our “budget box”

Located in the foyer, which collects budget funds to operate the church.

6. Automatic debit payments

These payments go to the church’s budget. Please call the office to set this up. We are able to set this up over the phone if you have your banking information ready. 

How Online Giving Works

The above online or smartphone methods of giving are handled through Church Center, who in turn use a credit-card and debit-card payment processing company called Stripe.  So it’s just like buying something online with a credit or debit card.

Church Center is a website run by Planning Center, which is the software and services that our church uses for staying organized, for record keeping, and for emailing all members.  The company behind Planning Center is called Ministry Centered Technologies.

Our church uses many services from Planning Center, one of which is to handle our online giving.  And because handling others people’s information and money online is a difficult thing to do correctly and securely, the payment is handled by the well-established payment processing company Stripe.



Fleetwood CRC pays a flat annual fee to Church Center for providing the donation management service.  And just like any credit-card purchase, and many debit-card purchases, the church needs to pay transaction fees.  These transaction fees get paid by the church to Stripe.  Each donation online will cost the church 2.2% of the donation plus 30 cents.  So for a $20 donation, the church pays Stripe $0.74, while a $500 donation will cost $11.30.  And so on. With this in mind, we invite you to consider other ways of giving larger donations, or perhaps when giving to a particular cause that you also give to the church’s budget to help pay these fees.

Note that the recipient of the donation, whether the Surrey Food Bank or World Renew or any of the other causes we support, will receive 100% of the amount you donate.  The church pays for these fees out of our budget.


Privacy and Security

Fleetwood Christian Reformed Church abides by British Columbia’s Personal Information Protection Act., as required by law.  In turn, we only pass on your information to other organizations such as Planning Center and Stripe who also, to the best of our knowledge, follow the same law. 

We also do not sell your data, and we work hard to ensure that your donations are kept private and confidential.  As few people as necessary are aware of who gives what amount; for example those who prepare the tax receipts or certain people who count and deposit the offerings from worship services.

Planning Center Online’s terms of service and privacy statement is here.

Stripe’s Privacy Policy is here