Summer Jobs at FCRC
If you are looking for a summer job, consider applying for one of two openings for Summer Outreach Intern!
The Summer Outreach Intern positions are for a 16-week duration at 30 hours/week (starting May 5/25). The expected wages are $19.75/hour plus vacation pay.
When serving in these positions, you will:
- get to know our congregation and the people of Fleetwood Community;
- be spending time with children, youth, adults and seniors;
- carry out challenging tasks together with church staff and volunteers;
- be part of a team which will keep you accountable, encouraged and enabled to do the work;
- have an opportunity for career and personal development.
We will be accepting applications through early April or until the positions are filled. Please note that these positions are significantly funded by the Canada Summer Jobs program and are open to students and non-students alike, aged 15-30 years.
If you have any questions, please email Brian Woudstra at
To apply online for the Summer Outreach Intern position, click here.
Summer Outreach Intern Job Description
2024 Summer Outreach Intern Detailed Job Description |